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Due to COVID restrictions, we are unable to hold an in-person AGM, therefore we have decided to host it via ZOOM on Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 7:00pm. If you would like access to the link so you can attend, please email the SJAMBA President at:

**There is a limit to 100 spots on the ZOOM call, so it will be a first come, first serve basis. Upon entry to the Zoom meeting, you will be required to give ‘sign in’ information that we would normally collect at the in person AGM. Please provide your full name and address including postal code, to confirm you live within our boundaries and that you are eligible to vote.**

During each AGM, we elect a new board for the next year/season. It is also an opportunity for all families who have had, or will have, children playing baseball in St. James to assist with running our baseball program by volunteering in certain capacities. Or to simply come out and ask any questions you have regarding St. James Minor Baseball.

Executive Board Member (8 positions total) terms are 2 years in length. Elections are staggered in two (2) year terms. According to the SJAMBA constitution, the following 4 positions are available for election:

President – Vacant, Jeff Turnbull stepping down
Treasurer –  Vacant, Brent Mahoney stepping down
Director AA
Umpire in Chief

Vacant since 2020 AGM:


If you are interested in volunteering for a Non-Executive or Non-Elected board position (whether the position is vacant or not), please submit your name to the President. As per the constitution, the board has the final vote if there are multiple people wishing to fill the same position.

Division/Program Conveners (4):

7U (Rally Cap)
9U (Grandslam) – Currently Vacant
U11 and U13
U15 and U18

Community Club Baseball Conveners (6):

AWRA – Assiniboia West
KWCC – Kirkfield Westwood
HVCC – Heritage Victoria
HRA – Headingley
DL – Deer Lodge
SHCC – Sturgeon Heights

Other Board Volunteer Positions:

Director at Large
Competition Committee Rep.
Fundraising Director
Umpire Assignor
Canteen Director
Grassroots Committee Rep
Website/Social Media
Equipment Director
Optimist Park Director

If you are interested in any of the above positions, or would like more information about a specific position, please feel free to email the SJAMBA President at:

Please mark this date on your calendar as it is important to get involved in your child’s baseball program. We are always looking for fresh ideas as it is vital to any organization to bring new people onto the board to ensure the long term viability of our programs.

All nominations for board positions must be received by the President by Sunday, November 7, 2021 in order to be eligible for a board position.